ponedeljek, 30. marec 2015

Predavanja in vaje - ta teden

Sporočam, da govorilne ure, predavanja in vaje pri meni ta teden zaradi bolezni odpadejo.

Za predstavitev seminarskih nalog bom javil termine konec tedna.


LP, Timotej Verbovšek



izr. prof. dr. Timotej Verbovšek, univ. dipl. inž. geol. / assoc. prof. Timotej Verbovšek, PhD, geologist

Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology

Aškerčeva 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

T: +386 1 4704 644; F: +386 1 4704 560

W: http://www.geo.ntf.uni-lj.si/tverbovsek/; E: timotej.verbovsek@geo.ntf.uni-lj.si


petek, 13. marec 2015

Terenske vaje pri Metodah geoloških raziskav



Glede na spodnjo sliko vremena kaže bistveno boljšo situacijo v četrtek kot v ponedeljek, zato gremo na teren v četrtek, 19.3.2015.

Zbor je ob 9h na lokaciji vrtine pri Iški Loki, natančna lokacija vrtine je na povezavi:




Čeprav je vrtina precej blizu Ljubljane, je dostop malo nesrečen, ker resnično ne priporočam hoje po nevarni Ižanski cesti. Ker je v rangu LPP, najetega avtobusa ne bo in predlagam naslednje:


Mestni potniški promet je možen, a le z avtobusom 19I (črka I kot Ig) do »centra« Iga, od koder lahko greste peš proti severu do Iške Loke, od tam pa naprej proti severu proti Ljubljani skoraj do Ižanske ceste. Hoje je verjetno dobre pol ure.

Vrtina je ob cesti in je ne morete zgrešiti (ima oranžno ograjo in vidi se vrtalni stolp).


Vsekakor je lažji dostop z avtomobili, kjer iz smeri Ljubljane samo zavijete iz Ižanske ceste (ravna cesta, ki povezuje Ljubljano in Ig) desno pri tabli Iška Loka desno in ste čez 100 m že pri vrtini. Možen je tudi dostop s kolesom (od Privoza je cca 6 km).

Parkirajte ob cesti, možno je parkirati tudi ob cesti zahodno od vrtine (poglejte karto na zgornjem linku). Lahko se tudi organizirate, da poberete morebitne udeležence avtobusa na Igu.


Za dodatne informacije po potrebi napišite mail.


Imejte terensko obutev in čelado (nekaj jih je na izposojo tudi na Privozu).


LP, Timotej Verbovšek





izr. prof. dr. Timotej Verbovšek, univ. dipl. inž. geol. / assoc. prof. Timotej Verbovšek, PhD, geologist

Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology

Aškerčeva 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

T: +386 1 4704 644; F: +386 1 4704 560

W: http://www.geo.ntf.uni-lj.si/tverbovsek/; E: timotej.verbovsek@geo.ntf.uni-lj.si


Fwd: [Georg:] [SGD] Napoved predavanja




Slovensko geološko društvo napoveduje predavanje dr. Jureta Žaloharja z naslovom


Omega-Teorija; nova fizikalna teorija potresov.


Predavatelj in avtor nove teorije, ki pravi, da je potrese moč napovedovati, je vsaj toliko prepričan v to, kar nam bo

s strokovnimi argumenti predstavil, kolikor bo večina poslušalcev s strokovnimi argumenti prepričana, da ni mogoče.


Predavanje bo v četrtek, 2. 4. ob 17. uri na Privozu 11, v predavalnici P-02 Oddelka za geologijo NTF. 


Povzetek predavanja je na tej povezavi.



Lep pozdrav!


Predsednik SGD

Matevž Novak



Dr. Matevž Novak

Oddelek Regionalna geologija

Geološki zavod Slovenije

Dimičeva ul. 14

SI-1000 Ljubljana

Tel.: 01/280 97 81

Mobi: 051/254-001



četrtek, 12. marec 2015




Sporočam, da jutri predavanja v dodatnem petkovem terminu pri Hidrogekemiji odpadejo, nadaljujemo v rednem sredinem terminu.


LP, Timotej Verbovšek



izr. prof. dr. Timotej Verbovšek, univ. dipl. inž. geol. / assoc. prof. Timotej Verbovšek, PhD, geologist

Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za geologijo

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology

Aškerčeva 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

T: +386 1 4704 644; F: +386 1 4704 560

W: http://www.geo.ntf.uni-lj.si/tverbovsek/; E: timotej.verbovsek@geo.ntf.uni-lj.si

Fwd: [Georg:] Doktorskin študij v Avstraliji

Dve zavidljivi doktorski pozicji:


Two PhD positions in dune field evolution and paleoclimate in Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia


Fraser Island World Heritage Area (http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/630) and the Cooloola Coast, on the south-east Queensland coast, form the terminus of the longest downdrift sand system on the planet. Giant podzols (extending to 25 m depth) have formed over the long weathering history of the sand dunes in this system, containing buried and truncated soil profiles as a result of periods of dune erosion and building in response to climate change and sea level fluctuations. These dunefields therefore contain one of the best archives on environmental change in the Australian sub-tropics. Two PhD positions are being offered as part of a larger project, based at the University of Queensland and Flinders University of South Australia, combining geomorphology, geology, geochemistry, sedimentology, and paleoclimatology to test exactly how these large sand islands form over millennial timescales. It will also contribute critical information to debates on inter-hemispheric climate connectivity and the climate impacts of cyclones and oscillatory climate systems.


Position 1: Using multiple geochemical tracers to unravel the environmental history of the sub-tropics using massive sand island soil archives (University of Queensland, Brisbane)


Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the giant podzols present in Fraser Island's dunefields will be investigated to understand processes of dune building and erosion in relation to climate and sea level over scales from decadal to multi-millennial. Techniques including stable isotope composition of organic matter, trace and rare earth element partitioning, and quantitative mineralogy will be used to examine soil development and environmental change as these large sand islands respond to changing sea levels and climate. The candidate will be working directly with Drs Josh Larsen, Talitha Santini and Kevin Welsh (all UQ) and as part of a larger international team of earth scientists. To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter, CV (containing publications and grants history, and contact details for three referees), and completed Expression of Interest (available from postgrad.gpem@uq.edu.au<mailto:postgrad.gpem@uq.edu.au>) form to Dr Talitha Santini (t!

.santini@uq.edu.au<mailto:t.santini@uq.edu.au>) by 24 April 2015. For entry requirements and eligibility queries, please refer to http://www.uq.edu.au/grad-school/our-research-degrees.


Position 2: Dunefield evolution, coastal processes and climate change (Flinders University, Adelaide) Utilising a detailed GIS analyses of time-series vertical aerial photographs, lidar and high resolution geomorphological mapping, and stratigraphic and sedimentological data , this study will explore recent (last 100 years) and Quaternary development of the Fraser Island dunefield. The study will examine interdecadal changes in climate variables that control rainfall, storminess and winds and determine the timing and origin of the last coastal dunefield transgression (or active phase) that ended by the early 1980's when vegetation cover began to rapidly increase on Fraser Island. We expect that this detailed information obtained from the recent record will contribute to the study of palaeo-climate shifts and the impacts on coastal dunefields. The study will also examine longer term (Holocene to Quaternary) development of the dunefield system. The candidate may choose to conduct a Ph.D on either recent or Holocene/Quaternary research and he/she olocen/QuatwerHwill be working !

directly with Professor Patrick Hesp and Dr Graziela Miot da Silva (both Flinders University) as part of a larger international team of earth scientists. To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter, CV (containing publications and grants history) and contact details for three referees to Dr Graziela Miot da Silva (miot0004@flinders.edu.au<mailto:miot0004@flinders.edu.au>) by 24 April 2015. For entry requirements and eligibility queries, please refer tohttp://www.flinders.edu.au/research-degrees/how-to-apply.cfm


Extensive fieldwork is a highlight of these projects. The ideal candidate(s) will have a background in one or more of soil science, geology, earth sciences, GIS, physical geography/geomorphology, geochemistry, hydrology or other cognate discipline/s.  The project is supported through an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant.  The candidate(s) will be expected to secure an Australian Post-graduate Award PhD Scholarship (APA) (for Australian or New Zealand candidates) or an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) (for outstanding international students), both ca. AUD $24,500 a year tax-free. For further information on scholarships please refer to http://www.uq.edu.au/grad-school/scholarships-and-fees (Position 1) and http://www.flinders.edu.au/research-degrees/scholarships-and-fees.cfm(Position 2). An AUD $5,000 a year top-up scholarship for each position will be available through the project. There is substantial funding to support an extensive field and!

  laboratory campaign and access to state-of-art techniques and equipment.



Dr. Craig Sloss  |  Senior Lecturer in Geosciences
Earth, Environmental and Biological Sciences
Science and Engineering Faculty | Queensland University of Technology

R Block, Level 3, Room R317, Gardens Point Campus 
ph 313 82610 | fax 313 81535 | mobile 0447 251 905 | email 

CRICOS No 00213J

ponedeljek, 9. marec 2015

Fwd: FW: Fotografski natečaj

Študentke in študenti Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete!

Vabimo vas k sodelovanju na fotografskem natečaju, s pomočjo katerega se bo spletna stran Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete oblekla v utrinke vaših študentskih doživetij na fakulteti. Natečaj organizira študentski svet Naravoslovnotehniške fakultete z namenom ustvarjanja svežega, modernega in predvsem vašega spletnega portala fakultete, ki predstavlja stičišče študentov ter vseh, ki skupaj ustvarjamo ter prispevamo k delovanju fakultete. Ker ga želimo približati vsem na fakulteti, smo se odločili, da vas povabimo k soustvarjanju nove spletne stvari, ki bo z vašo pomočjo zaživela že to pomlad.

Natečaj bo potekal od ponedeljka, 14.3.2015, do torka, 14.4.2015 do 12.00. Več informacij lahko najdete v vabilu na tej povezavi.

Želimo vam veliko ustvarjalnega navdiha!

Študentski svet NTF