petek, 8. november 2013

Fwd: Mesec mednarodnih idej


Mednarodna pisarna ŠOU v Ljubljani tudi letos organizira Mesec mednarodnih idej (MMI), ki bo potekal med 11. 11. 2013 in 12. 12. 2013, namenjen pa je tako slovenskim kot tujim študentom.  

Da pa bodo študentje o dogodkih čim bolje obveščeni, vam v priponkah pošiljam program dogodkov in aktivnosti, ki se bodo odvijale tekom MMI in podrobnejši opis za prvi teden MMI. Nadaljne opise boste prejemali sproti en teden vnaprej.
Prosim, da vse informacije, v kolikor je mogoče in na poljuben način posredujete vsem svojim študentom, za kar se že vnaprej zahvaljujem. 

Za morebitna vprašanja lahko pokličete pomočnici ministra za mednarodno sodelovanje:
040 366 551 (Maja)
031 374 163 (Neža)

Lep pozdrav,
Mednarodna pisarna ŠOU v Ljubljani



Monday, 11. 11., ŠOU Ljubljana, Vojkova ulica 63, from 5 p. m. further: Open day at International office ŠOU Ljubljana,presentation of international associations and STA Ljubljana (from 6 p. m. further)

International office ŠOU Ljubljana is opening the door for home and foreign students to introduce them our work and activities. There will also be presented the Reception for foreign students, which helps them whit their stay, student work, contracts etc., along with International associations that are operating within the office. All visitors will also be able to attend the presentation of STA Ljubljana.


Monday, 11. 11., from 10 p. m. further, Erasmus party in Nebotičnik Club

Tradicional Erasmus party, which will this year take place in Skyskraper Club.


Tuseday, 12. 11., from 6 p. m. further, lecture: Erasmus from the first hand

Slovenian students will present personal experiences from their Erasmus exchange. The program will be moderated by Janja Ivanež, who also was an Erasmus student in Germany.


Wednesday, 13. 11., from 6 p. m. further, lecture: Planning to study abroad! (Hiša Srce, Židovska steza 6, 1000 Ljubljana)

Živa Cotič, consultant for study abroad, will give a lecture on what you need to know before you go to study abroad and how to plan a foreign study, with an emphasis on insurance, learning a foreign language and edit all the necessary documentation.

Registration on e-mail: (the matter: Planning to study abroad)


Friday to Sunday, 15. – 17. 11.Three – day trip to Prague

The trip will start in the early hours of Friday. The bus from Ljubljana will take us to Prague, with our first stop at the Czech Technical University. We will also visit the Staropramen brewery and have a beer tasting. On Saturday we are going to see several cultural and tourist attractions of the old town, such as the Old Town Square, Powder Brana, Karlovški bridge and others. A boat party (with surcharge) will also be organized. Return to Slovenia will be on Sunday after brekfast.

Registration is possible in the International office in Ljubljana at ŠOU, Vojkova 63, during office hours. Price: 100€. All slovenian and foreign students are welcome!


More about the event on our FB page: ŠOU international office or on our website


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